Wmi Get Printer Driver Version

I need help with deleting network printer driver remotely on a Win7 client using a vbscript with an account having administrator privilegies on the computer in question.

WMIDiag.vbs is a VBScript script designed to help you ascertain the current state of the WMI service on a computer. The download package includes the utility itself.

Powershell or WMI to pull Printer Properties and Additional Drivers?

What is DriverMax. DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on.

The WMI Code Creator tool allows you to generate VBScript, C, and VB. NET code that uses WMI to complete a management task such as querying for management.

WMI Printer - Query Introduction to Querying Printers with WMI. This WMI script offers a variety of solutions to printer problems on a Windows Network.

What I am trying to accomplish: Use a powershell script WMI or cmdlets directly, or a combination to query a 2003 or 2008 server with the PrintServer role.

What I am trying to accomplish:

Use a powershell script WMI or cmdlets directly, or a combination to query a 2003 or 2008 server with the PrintServer role, enumerate the printers shared, then list the drivers in use for that printer and specifically if an x86 or x64 driver is being used or both.

I ve looked at Win32_Printer, Win32_PrinterDriver, Get-Printer, etc. None of these seem to be able to tell me about x64 drivers or when multiple platform-specific drivers are loaded. Something like:

gwmi win32_printer -computername lebowski name _.name

supported _.getrelated Win32_PrinterDriver select supportedplatform, driverpath, version

supportedplatform : Windows NT x86

driverpath : C: WINDOWS system32 spool DRIVERS W32X86 3 RIC54Dc.DLL

However the problem being that particular printer also has x64 drivers loaded. I really don t want to manually check the properties tab of 100 printers just to see if they have the x64 driver loaded.